A comprehensive analysis of Livingston Parish Public Schools (LPPS) financial organization and salary structures shows, “unlike several peer school systems, LPPS has sound fiscal stewardship practices and is ‘living within its means.’”
Consultants with LEAN Frog, a national recognized expert in providing operational and programmatic assessments of educational organizations, presented the findings of its six-month-long study to the Livingston Parish School Board’s Cost Savings Committee on March 7, and a public presentation of the report on March 28 at the LPPS Suma Development Center.
The entire report is available upon request from LPPS and will be available through an electronic link on the district webpage at A video copy of the public presentation is also available online.
The report showed pay for LPPS teachers ranks at the lowest, or next to the lowest, at all steps and degree levels when compared to their peers, according to the findings. In fact, pay for most positions in the district lags that of their peers by between 8% at starting pay and 14% at ending pay, including district and campus administrators, according to the analysis.
At the same time, the study shows the district lacks the number of high-level administrators needed to sufficiently service its many campuses for professional development, mentoring and individual support, which is crucial to each school’s success.
The study sought to identify potential cost-saving measures and provide school leaders will a possible roadmap to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the district’s organizational and compensation structures.

Superintendent Joe Murphy will retire at the end of his contract, which expires June 30, 2024. Murphy is retiring with 32 years of service to Livingston Parish Schools.
The Livingston Parish School Board recently announced that it would begin its formal search for a new superintendent.
Superintendent Joe Murphy announced last fall that he would not be seeking a new contract upon the expiration of his current contract, which expires June 30, 2024. Murphy has served as the system’s superintendent for the past five years and is retiring after 32 years of service.
Board President Steve Link said the district would begin the formal process of advertising in hopes of completing the process in the spring.
“This timeline will give our system time to transition between the administrations before the expiration of Mr. Murphy’s contract,” Board President Link said.

Pictured from left to right are LPPS Business Manager Kim Stewart, Albany Fire Chief Joe Foster, Town of Albany Councilman John Thomas, Albany Lower Elementary Principal Robin Stewart, Albany Upper Elementary Principal Jo Jean Saucier, LPPS Supervisor of Child Nutrition Programs Sommer Purvis, Town of Albany Mayor Ilene Bates-McCarroll, Livingston Parish School Board President Steve Link, LPPS Assistant Superintendent Jody Purvis, LPPS Superintendent Joe Murphy, LPPS Maintenance Director Jerry Glascock, Architect Christ Bankston, Stuart Construction Director of Commercial Operations Blake Panepinto, Albany Police Chief Boyd Wild, and Stuart Construction Project Manager Jason Catlin.
School leaders held a ground breaking ceremony for a new cafeteria facility that will serve Albany Upper Elementary and Albany Lower Elementary students.
The dual cafeteria is designed to accommodate the two campuses independently, but it has an operable partition that will allow the space to be opened for large events, seating approximately 625 people. The new addition will also include four new classrooms and dedicated restrooms for each school.
The two campuses currently operate a feeding schedule that runs from 10:15 a.m. to 1 p.m. because the existing cafeteria lacks space to consolidate the times.
“Just like a kitchen is at the heart of a home, the cafeteria is the heart of a campus,” Supervisor of Child Nutrition Programs Sommer Purvis said. “This new facility will serve as a hub of activity for our students and for the community at large.”
School Board President Steve Link said the new facility is scheduled to completed by the end of Summer 2025.

Livingston Parish Teacher Katie Guidry presents student Jazlynn Miles with a pin, recognizing participation in the district’s pre-educator program, which aims to encourage and equip high school students with knowledge about the field of education and those educational paths that are available to them. Also pictured, to the right, are district administrators Traci McRae and Tammy Kuhn.
More than 30 students from five Livingston Parish high schools recently attended a Pre-Educator Gala to learn more about pursuing a career in education and to be honored for their early commitment to the field.
The event was hosted at the Denham Springs STEM Center by the district as part of its “Grow Your Own” initiative. The theme of the night was “Mission: LIFT,” which stands for “Lead & Inspire Future Teachers.
The student-focused program is an important part of Launch Livingston, the district’s platform for recruiting and certifying teachers. Students interested in pursuing education careers were provided with information on the education field, as well as the Educators Rising course, which will be taught at five of the parish’s high schools next school year.
Career & Technical Education Coordinator Brandi Desselle said 13 students from Denham Springs High School and Live Oak High School were awarded pins and commended for taking the Educators Rising classes for the past two years. Other students participate in a “signing,” where they committed to continue the mission of pursuing education as a career.
Stacy Robinson, District 2
- Appointed January 2024
- Former teacher and assistant principal at Live Oak High School; retired in June 2022
- Currently working part time in a family business
- Graduate of Live Oak High School
- Earned a bachelor’s degree in accounting from LSU, alternative certification in education from Southeastern Louisiana University, and a master’s degree in education from Southeastern Louisiana University
- Married to Bryan Robinson for 46 years
- Mother to Meagan Stansbury, Denver Robinson, and Kaleb Robinson; Grandmother to Ainsley Stansbury, Andrew Stansbury (students at LOHS) and Eli Robinson (student at North Live Oak Elementary)
- Life-long member of Live Oak Church
“I can do all thing through Christ which strengthens me,” Philippians 4:13.